Saturday, 12 December 2020

Seasalter, Graveney Marshes

Brenda and I drove to Seasalter this morning and walked Nell. Tide was high, so Nell enjoyed swimming for a short while in an area where there was no risk of disturbing any roosting birds.

As the tide started to turn, we walked along Graveney Marshes knowing that there had been recent sightings of Russian White-fronted Geese (9) and Snow Bunting (1). On returning to the car, parked near the yacht club, the Ring-necked Parakeet that has frequented the area for a short while was heard and showed briefly.

Rose-ringed Parakeet

Snow Bunting

(Russian) White-fronted Goose


1 comment:

Mike Gould said...

Good account, I clearly missed the snow bunting. Started my Blog again.