Good to be back in the south-east and looking for migrants at
Dungeness. The north-easterly wind picked up as the day progressed and we did a lot of walking for our rewards today. Very tiring!
Highlights on the sea included a few
Arctic Terns among the 80-100
Common Terns present,
Mediterranean Gulls (3) and at least six Harbour Porpoise.
Walking round the observatory moat, we counted at least 30
Wheatears a couple of
Swallows and three
Common Whitethroats.
By time we reached the RSPB Reserve, although birds were singing, they were keeping their heads down due to the increasing wind one imagines. A male
Blue-headed Wagtail among at least ten
Yellow Wagtails was interesting. We also managed to see:
Peregrine (1),
Goldeneye (1),
Great White Egret (1),
Sedge Warbler (4),
Reed Warbler (1),
Common Whitethroat (3),
House Martins (12+) and
Swallows (8).
Blue-headed Wagtail |