Tuesday 23 February 2016

Costa Rica (Day 4)

Up early as routine dictates when there is so much to fit in! Breakfast and final birding around the hotel Villa Lapas before enjoying a leisurely bird-filled journey towards El Bosque, Monteverde.

Bare-throated Tiger Heron

Blue-black Grosbeak

Red Ginger Flower

Great-tailed Grackle

Muscovy Duck

Painted Bunting

Painted Bunting

Variegated Squirrel


Wilson's Warbler

Black Vulture

Brown Pelicans

Hudsonian Whimbrel

Scrub Euphonia

Swainson's Hawk (Tentative)

Turkey Vulture

Monday 22 February 2016

Costa Rica (Day 3)

Our third day touring great sites in Costa Rica. Our observations today were based around the Hotel Villa Lapas and nearby Carara Park and finishing our day at the Pacific Ocean.

Black and White Owl

Pacific Ocean

Pacific Ocean

Carara Park

Dryas Iulia Butterfly

Ghost Bat

Grey-headed Tanager

Pale-billed Woodpecker

Howler Monkey

Sunday 21 February 2016

Costa Rica (Day 2)

Spent a few hours around the Hotel Robledal, Alajuela, until breakfast before heading via the River Crossing towards the Hotel Villa Lapas. At the end of the day we enjoyed a boat trip along the River Tarcoles.

Snowy Egret & White Ibis

American Purple Gallinule

Black-mandibled Toucan

Black Hawk

Brown Pelican

Common Basilisk - Jesus Christ Lizard

Crested Caracara

Great Blue Heron

Green Heron

Green Iguana

Grey Hawk

Hoffman's Woodpecker

Little Blue Heron

Mangrove Swallow

Melodious Blackbird

Muscovy Duck

Neotropical Cormorant

Northern Jacana

Northern Waterthrush

Scarlet Macaws

Tricoloured Heron

Turquoise-browed Motmot


Wood Stork

Yellow-headed Caracara

American Crocodiles

Juvenile Bare-throated Tiger Heron

Hudsonian Whimbrel

Little Blue Heron

Melodious Blackbird

Northern Jacana

Owl Butterfly

Roseate Spoonbill

River Scene (Hotel Villa Lapas)

River Tarcoles

River Tarcoles

Immature Yellow-headed Caracara
American Pygmy Kingfisher

Boat-billed Heron

Common Black Hawk

Night Heron