Wednesday 23 December 2009

St Catherines Drive, Faversham (Kent)


Monday 21 December 2009

Funton (Kent): Afternoon WeBS count in cold and snowy conditions. Highlights included Marsh Harrier (3), Red-breasted Merganser (3 males, 2 females), 2/3 Rock Pipits and a nice surprise in the form of a Dartford Warbler associating with a female Stonechat.

Sunday 13 December 2009

Dungeness (Kent): As we drove to Dungeness RSPB Reserve through Romney Marsh, we managed to catch up with some small mixed flocks of passerines including Yellowhammer (14), Chaffinch (25), Linnet (12), Pied Wagtail (c30) and Meadow Pipit (8). We also located a small group of Bewick's Swan (6). At Dungeness RSPB Reserve itself, we managed to catch up with Smew (1 redhead) on the New Diggings pits, Little Egret (3) and there were at least five Marsh Harriers in the area.


Monday 7 December 2009

Cliffe (Kent): It's been difficult for us to get out recently with work being so busy, so we were pleased to have managed a three hour visit to Cliffe this afternoon. The birds weren't close enough to photograph; however the views of Shorelark (3) near the 'Flamingo' pool, a male Goldeneye nearby and a female Sparrowhawk and single Great Northern Diver on the Alpha pool made for a pleasant afternoon.